hot trends news

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

uc application login

uc application login

San Diego. California - O equipo de investigación de San Diego está preto de lanzar un programa de teléfono intelixente para inmigrantes axudar con seguridade Navegar na Fronteira ilegais ....

The 'Transborder Immigrant tool' - once downloaded into Motorola phones equipped with GPS - is a humanitarian tool designed to save lives, according to the application's creators at the University of California San Diego. "It's really just designed for you to turn it on and the compass would show you where the nearest safety site is, be that Border Patrol or highway or water, in case you're in an extreme emergency," said co-creator Micha Cardenas.

Critics, including the California Coalition for Immigration Reform, are outraged and think the application's creators should be arrested.

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